OSINT and Social Engineering

  • Start date of the course 18.09.2024
  • Duration of the course 16 hours
  • Difficulty level Fundamentals
  • Delivery method Virtual Classroom
  • Access requirements None
Request information

Through our OSINT Course you will travel, through the web, between search engines, media files, e-mail, social networks, learning to identify the many places to gather information. The latter must then be screened and sampled in order to select those that are valid, usable and evidential. We will learn that only through precise investigation processes, appropriate analysis methodologies and specific filtering activities will it be possible to achieve a verified knowledge of the OSINT world.

An important moment of the Course will be devoted to understanding how data, found through OSINT analysis, can be employed by criminals to structure a social engineering attack, compromising the security of the corporate perimeter by exploiting the human factor.


The purpose of the course is to provide the technical and theoretical tools for conducting OSINT research on the network. At the end of the course, participants will be able to perform an OSINT analysis using both manual techniques and search tools as well as assess the reliability of the information found.

In addition, learners will be educated about the main types of social engineering attacks that exploit the OSINT world to bring their attacks to fruition and learn how to defend themselves.

The Course will end with a “Capture The Flag OSINT.” This is a challenge that tests participants’ skills in using open information gathering techniques to solve problems and puzzles.


No specific skills are required for participation in the Course.

Training Program


– OSINT: What is it and where did it come from?
– Who is it used by and in what areas can it be extremely useful?
– Links OSINT and Information Security
– Data collection and reporting


– Image search and geolocation
– Google Dorks and search engines
– Data Breach Search Engine
– Websites & IOT
– OSINT Automation (Pros and Cons)


– Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT)
– Potential of social engineering
– How data can be used to structure a cyber attack
– Attacks based on social engineering & OSINT


– Capture The Flag
– Conclusions and Greetings

Teacher and teaching materials


Teaching is by qualified trainers with years of experience in OSINT methodology and information security.


Participation in the Course includes the delivery of teaching materials used by the lecturer.

Participation fee

Upon reaching 20 participants, registrations will be closed.

Prices shown do not include VAT.


800,00 €

Do you need more information?

Contact us with the form or send an e-mail to [email protected] to request the support of one of our tutors.

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