Cyber Academy

Awareness and professional training are required to counter new cyber attacks.

Swascan E-learning Platform

Swascan’s E-learning Platform was created with the need to engage all company personnel in a fun and deductive learning path based on a system of continuous and constant training.
The goal of the E-learning Platform is to act on each employee’s awareness and ability to recognize potential threats and consequently adopt correct behaviors to strengthen the security level of organizations.

Social Engineering
GDPR: Questions and answers in daily practice
ISO 27001: Everything you need to know
Legislative Obligations
Reference standards in Cyber Security
Behavior Awareness in Business
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Cyber Security Awareness

Human behaviour definitely has a greater impact on cyber security than technology. The Swascan Academy plays an important role in the Italian business panorama through stimulating educational courses for all levels of company personnel. Our aim is to increase the general level of awareness of the risks associated with the use of information technologies.









Choose the right Cyber Course for you!

A wide range of training courses structured for people with different levels of experience and technical specialisation.

NIS2 Directive

What is it, what impact will it have on companies, and how to prepare for compliance?

By the end of the course, participants will be able to comprehend the directive's scope, assess its impact on organizational operations, and implement effective strategies for compliance.

Vedi Corso

OSINT and Social Engineering

Through our OSINT Course you will travel, through the web, between search engines, media files, e-mail, social networks, learning to identify the many places to gather information.

Vedi Corso

Threat Hunting Techniques

Discovering the invisible!

Through theoretical lectures and practical sessions, participants will gain a solid understanding of the basic principles of Threat Hunting and develop practical skills to apply them effectively in the work environment.

Vedi Corso

OT and IT

Industrial security guide

The course is dedicated to the security of OT systems, examining the best practices, tools and strategies needed to protect physical industrial and digital infrastructures from cyber threats.

Vedi Corso


Certified Information Systems Security Professional

The CISSP Certification is not only an objective recognition of excellence, but a worldwide recognized standard for professionals and managers called to manage the issues of Cyber Security and Information Security within their company.

Vedi Corso


Certified Cloud Security Professional

Through the CCSP course, students acquire advanced skills in understanding and applying best practices to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data in the cloud.

Vedi Corso

Ethical Hacking Course

The course includes a highly interactive training course in which you will be shown how to scan, test and hack your systems in order to make them safer.

Vedi Corso

Cyber Defense

Security and Data Protection in our company

An academic course entrusted to the best Italian cyber experts that combines real cases and technical LAB of excellence, structured with the aim of supporting the students in the management of Information Security.

Vedi Corso

Our strengths

What are the benefits of taking Swascan Academy courses?


A pool of highly qualified professionals specialised in the reference sectors.


Courses developed in small steps to ensure gradual, comprehensive learning.


The course can be attended online with active interaction between teachers and students.


A Certificate of Attendance will be issued at the end of the course.


Practical, stimulating courses thanks to the creation of tailor-made workshops and real-life activities.


Tailor-made training projects and customised solutions to meet all needs.


What our students say about us.

Really well-thought-out course, my compliments go to the teacher especially because, in addition to being very knowledgeable, she can explain non-trivial topics in a simple way.

Marco D. G.

Cyber Security Specialist

I found the description of the contexts in which cyber crime moves and develops very interesting. These elements are often underestimated when it comes to fully understanding certain actions.

Stefano M.

Team Legal & Compliance

Well-structured first day: in the morning the explanation relating to hacker profiling, the evolution over the years and the modus operandi was particularly interesting. In the afternoon, I confirm the excellent choice of approach with some practical exercises and presentation of tools for analysing files and forensic encryption.

Alfredo P.

Cyber Security Specialist

You get the feeling that the Swascan Team has an excellent skill set and extensive experience.

Diego P.

Sales Specialist

The level of competence and professionalism of the teachers on the Mini Master is very high.

Riccardo S.

IT Manager

Congratulations on delivering an interesting and well-structured course. It’s also useful for daily web access, not just for work. A professional, engaging teacher who kept interest levels high.

Rossella C.


Congratulations on the course; these are hot topics, but we are often in such a hurry that we don’t treat them with the necessary care; a course like yours helps us approach the web in a safer way and pay the right amount of attention, in particular to corporate cyber resources!

Alberto O.


Very useful, not only for work but also in my personal life - it dealt with topics that I thought I knew about, focusing on elements that we take for granted, but which we absolutely shouldn’t.

Nives P.

Customer Care

Of all the courses I have attended, this is the best in several respects. The professionalism and technical preparation assisted by adequate dialectics of the lecturer, which is essential for the success of the training. In addition, the organization was always impeccable. I really appreciated the continuous presence and support in figuring out if something could be improved in the course. You are the best!

Marino B.

IT Manager

Wonderful!!! The lecturer was able to maintain attention throughout the class. Topics explained with clarity and precision. Congruent examples, never trivial.

Giuseppe P.