No matter how confident you are about your network safety, you can never be completely sure. This is why network scanning is so important. The kind of malicious attacks that are carried out these days are hard to believe. A vulnerable network can cause a big problem to systems and cause a huge loss in terms of business value. Hence, it is always a good idea to check your network for vulnerabilities and this should be done from time to time.
Network scanning
Basically, a network scanner is an automated, online service that scans your IT infrastructure and identifies possible security vulnerabilities. This analysis helps quantify the risk levels of your IT infrastructure and provides the action plan with the remediation activities that you need to implement. Periodic network scanning helps you stay safe from potential hazards.
Here you can find some fixed steps that will help you secure your business:
- Scanning of your entire network
- Detailed security scanning of your IT infrastructure
- Ensuring compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
- Detailed reporting for you to assess the vulnerabilities and the proposed corrective actions
Network scanning – flexibility and scalability
As a matter of fact, the best network scanners are those that provide flexibility for your changing requirements. Your network security requirements are going to change over time and you need to invest in a system that can scale up easily and without your having to incur substantial additional costs.
In order to ensure your network the best protection available you could perform a network scan with Swascan to spot all of your network vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities and weak spots are the ideal place for attackers to come after you and your company. it is absolutely necessary to implement all the adequate measures in order to prevent these possible exploits from hackers.
Swascan, through its Network Scan service, provides detailed information about your network vulnerabilities and criticalities. In addition, the report of the Network Scan activity helps managers in fixing these errors and vulnerabilities because it provides a detailed action plan to face your current network situation. Moreover, you can have a free trial of Swascan Network Scan, just click the button below:
Here you can have a detail of the Swascan Network Scan report:
In order to assure to your business the best tool available, Swascan developed a special cybersecurity platform. It is completely in Cloud, Pay per Use and SaaS. You can see for yourself in our brochure: Cybersecurity platform and have an in-depth look at our services. Our four services cover all the governance needs in terms of risk management and periodic assessment. Basically, if you need to understand the areas in which your efforts must focus, Vulnerability Assessment, Network Scan and Code Review are the right tools for you. Last but not least, don’t forget GDPR: our platform provides a GDPR Self-Assessment that gives the indicators in terms of GDPR Compliance level, our platform is 100% GDPR compliant ( GDPR infographic ).